A little English abstract about our project!

With the project "embedded Webserver" a laboratory tutorial for the 5th class of the technical college for information technology in Hollabrunn has been developed. The laboratory tutorial is called "Embedded Java". With the help of the TINI Board which was produced by the company Dallas Semiconductors, the laboratory tutorial was carried out. TINI stands for Tini Internet Interfaces.

The TINI platform consists of two parts. The first one is the socket board. On the socket board there are all interfaces, which are needed to communicate. The second part is the TINI board itself. We used the TINI board with the number DSTINIm400. The TINI board is connected by a 144 pin SODIMM connector to the socket board. On the TINI board there is a CPU with 75MHz clock rate. This processor is an 8051 derivat with the number identification number DS80C400.

The TINI platform was taken in operation with the help of the TINI guide. This guide was provided by Dallas Semiconductors. First of all we had to install the firmware on the TINI board. In addition we added an operation system on the TINI board, which is called Slush. Slush is a small command shell intended to provide a UNIX - like interface. Slush is less than a full operation system but more than a simple shell. It provides a way to view and manipulate the file system, run Java applications, and control system functions such as the network configuration.

On the TINI board we had to load up simple Java programs. These little programs should show the user how to deal with Java. One of the programs should write "HelloWorld" into the command line, with a few changes the program could also write "HelloWorld" into a browser. There are a lot of other examples, which we tested.

At the end of the laboratory tutorial the pupil should be able to control an extern circuit, with the help of the TINI board and a web interface. With the help of the program "TINIWebSwitch" you can control simple LEDīs which are based on an extern circuit.